Upcoming call for increased impact of research
In May, Forte will open a call for applications regarding impact of research. The aim of the call is to support activities that increase the opportunities for Forte-funded research to contribute to solutions to challenges in society.
The call Impact 2024 will be open for applications in all Forte’s main areas; health, working life and welfare. The call must enable activities that strengthen the utilisation of an existing research project or research program.

– Even if the will is there, researchers do not always have the opportunity to work more extensively with impact within the framework of their existing research. This call aims to give researchers who have received funding from us further opportunities for activities so that knowledge can contribute to change, by, for example, collaborating with users and bringing in expertise in making research useful, says Staffan Arvidsson, Senior Research Officer at Forte.
Forte uses ‘impact’ as a collective term for activities carried out to make knowledge and research results available to society and put them to use. The application must explain the societal challenge that is addressed and show how the project can enhance the opportunities for scientific knowledge and experience to be put to use.
The call will be aimed at ongoing projects and programs. Grants are not given to activities already included in plans for granted funding, hence are given to new ideas to create added value to the research.
Project duration and funding amount
Project duration: A maximum of 2 years with a preliminary start on December 1, 2024. Budget and amount: There is no maximum amount for this grant, but a benchmark is SEK 1 million. In total, Forte’s budget for the call is SEK 20 million.
Timetable (tentative)
The call opens: 22 May 2024
The call closes: 22 August 2024
Decision: November 2024
Project start: 1 December 2024